Life and Business Coach, DISC and NLP Practitioner at Be The Best You Coaching - Ash Vale, England, United Kingdom
MEET LORNA ► I'm a specialist in coping with stress and overwhelm and I help women in their 40s and 50s, who run their own businesses, achieve balance, resilience, renewed passion and purpose, and real satisfaction in their work and home lives. I help you take back control of your life and flourish using a proven formula. I have created an effective method of overcoming persistent feelings of overwhelm, so you stop waking in the middle of the night worrying about worst-case scenarios and stop feeling stuck and trapped with no foreseeable way out.MY CLIENTS ► Business owners and entrepreneurial women in their 40s and 50s come to me feeling disheartened, distracted and overwhelmed most of the time. Some have spent a lot of time and energy developing their businesses but are getting less and less enjoyment from what they are doing. A few are concerned about how if they don't become unstuck this may lead to complete burn-out.HOW TO FLOURISH IN YOUR 40S AND 50S ► In my no cost online training, I share how to take back control of your life, better balance the responsibilities of work, home-life and health, and flourish. You will learn the proven ‘How To Flourish In Your 40s And 50s Formula' that I am using, to flourish without stress, anxiety or insomnia. You'll discover how to recognise your own unique patterns of behaviour and how to interrupt and change your coping mechanisms that are slowing you down or keeping you stuck. You can access this free training here: ► I help you rediscover your mojo for all things in work and life, fast. The quickest timeframe is just 36-hours to feel supported, reassured and more in control. It will take 12-weeks to experience a new understanding and acceptance of yourself, improved self-confidence and enjoyment of your achievements with my proven formula. I do this without you feeling paralysed by the volume of everything you're taking on and without giving up on your dreams.