Vice President, Technical Support - R&D - Customer Service at KnowWho, Inc. - Lorton, VA, US
In politics it's what you know about who, not just what you know!If you have political contact information needs, we have the best directory & data solutions. With us it's right the first time, every time.Regardless of the information you need, how you want to get it, when you need it delivered, and how many users you have, we'll provide the data or directory you need to succeed, quickly and professionally.We don't sit and pontificate, obfuscate or shoot the breeze!We prefer to roll up our sleeves and get the job done. We're really big on implementation and solutions, and equally as short on hyperbole.We're veteran directory publishers & technology providers, with more than 75 years of total experience where it matters - solving problems!KnowWho was founded in 1999 to provide sound, affordable and effective solutions to our customers' information needs. We are an employee-owned company that takes great pride in our products, services and support, and we welcome the chance to show you!We listen to, and respect, what our customers have to say; and we're keenly interested in understanding their needs & challenges. But once we comprehend the issues, we go to work and we deliver solutions, not conversation. So let's talk and then we can to work for you too!