Hunters of the Harvest is an international ministry directed to Christian churches in the West of all denominations: Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, and non-denominational.Purpose: To impart a ministry of restoration to equip local churches and their members to reach out, recover, and reconnect the millions dropout believers who have disconnected themselves from the church in this postmodern age.In 2016 only 3 of ten adults in the US professing Christian faith are in church. Of the remaining seven, 4 used to be in church! Now with the COVID pandemic in 2020 the current total of dropouts has risen to 5 out of seven! These are dropout believers - one who has disconnected himself from any meaningful relationship with the church. Some dropouts are your own family members, friends, neighbors and work associates. Most dropout believers will not respond to invitations to church. So how can you reach out and restore them?Restoring them to church is only part of the problem. The other critical part of the problem is connecting each believer to the church. Unless a believer is connected to the church (s)he is likely to become a dropout when the storms of life come. "Connection" to the church is the key to closing the "back door". What does connection mean? Hunters of the Harvest addresses both of these two critical aspects of the dropout believer crisis in the church in America today. By becoming a hunter of the harvest of the dropout believer, active believers and the local church can turn this trend around for good!