DALC is the implementation platform for the new education paradigm in Africa. We undertake Gift and Talent Testing while also recognizing work experience and qualifications during admission process.In this regard the institution has invested and collaborated heavily in processes that would aid Gift and Talent Testing and production of Academic Portfolios for those with work experience. Such Academic Portfolios would produce Academic Credit Points that are used to earn exemptions for those with work experience during admissions.Vision:Our vision focuses on a future that requires well educated individuals who can demonstrate clear understanding and applications of what is learnt, are disciplined and have the desire to do it for others.Mission:Our mission is to revolutionize the educational system in Kenya, Africa and the world over, in which individuals are assessed based on gifts and talents that enhance their ability to become high achievers in the workplace and beyond.DALC Education curriculum is approved by both the Ministry of Higher Education (Reg. License No. MOEST/PC/996/06) and Commission for Higher Education(Vide Letter Ref. CHE/15/1/1) after rigorous inspections and final approvals by these legal Kenya Government Departments, charged with the responsibility of accrediting/validating/approving institutions and the programmes offered.