We are a not-for-profit charitable housing association providing housing for those with support needs.Reside manage in excess of 1300 tenancies in over 350 properties across the UK. We provide housing for people with support needs in the form of learning disabilities, physical and sensory impairment, mental health issues and acquired brain injury.Reside work in partnership with our tenants, health and social care commissioners, reputable support providers and families; providing high quality, bespoke housing solutions for people with support needs.Reside was formed in 2002 and is a charitable registered society under the Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 with FCA registered number 29475R. Reside is a Registered Provider of Social Housing regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing under registered number 4745. Reside operates on a charitable basis where all surpluses are reinvested into its social housing activities and no distributions can be made to shareholders or members.