Louise Gotthardt

Bestyrelsesmedlem at Kvindeøkonomien - N/A, N/A, DK

Louise Gotthardt's Contact Details
Johannesburg,Gauteng,2001,South Africa
Louise Gotthardt's Company Details
Kvindeøkonomien logo, Kvindeøkonomien contact details


N/A, N/A, DK • 20 - 49 Employees
Social Services

Kvindeøkonomien er en bevægelse. Idéen er at alle kvinder kan deltage i debatten og få indsigt, konkret viden og håndgribelige råd om økonomiske forhold.Mange danske kvinder ønsker at forbedre deres økonomiske forhold i form af lønindkomst, pension og formue. Derfor har de behov for øget indsigt i, og bedre kompetencer til, at forbedre deres egen privatøkonomi gennem eksempelvis investeringer og opsparing.Særligt vigtige områder i denne sammenhæng er uddannelse, investering og pension, som er vores hovedtemaer. Vores mål er at generere ny viden, definere konkrete redskaber og sætte en dagsorden, der tydeliggør sammenhængen mellem Danmarks velstand og en styrkelse af kvinders økonomiske kompetencer.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kvindeøkonomien (red. The Female Economy) is a non-profit movement. The idea is that all women can participate in the debate, and through that get awareness, knowledge and advice about how to manage their private economy. Many Danish Women wish to improve their economical situation through wages, pension and wealth management. Accordingly, they need to get the necessary insights and competences, in order for them to boost their private economy through investments and savings.In this regard the topics of upmost importance are education, investment and pension - all of which are our core themes. Our goal is to generate new knowledge, define concrete tools and create an agenda that sheds light on the correlation between Denmark's overall prosperity and a solid strengthening of women's financial competences.

Individual & Family Services
Details about Kvindeøkonomien
Frequently Asked Questions about Louise Gotthardt
Louise Gotthardt currently works for Kvindeøkonomien.
Louise Gotthardt's role at Kvindeøkonomien is Bestyrelsesmedlem.
Louise Gotthardt's email address is ***@kvindeokonomien.dk. To view Louise Gotthardt's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Louise Gotthardt works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Louise Gotthardt's colleagues at Kvindeøkonomien are Natalia Rogaczewska, Frida Lundsgaard, Louise Gotthardt and others.
Louise Gotthardt's phone number is N/A
See more information about Louise Gotthardt