Connect Housing is committed to achieving excellence in our key services to tenants and other customers. Our strong customer focus and high quality services ensure we are recognised as an efficient values-based business and reliable partner, and known for our innovative responses to housing and community needs. We continue to play a key role in raising housing standards in Yorkshire. We invest in our current housing across the region to meet changing needs and aspirations of present and prospective tenants. We continue to develop new housing where this is required to meet housing needs in locations and/or for specific needs where Connect Housing is a key player. A priority for our investment will be promoting inclusion and choice for people in the community who are disadvantaged in the housing market, including people needing supported housing and those from BME communities, amongst others. Connect Housing invests in communities, not just bricks and mortar, as an active supporter of the iN Business for Neighbourhoods alliance. And last, but not least, we continue to strive to be a sought-after employer, with an excellent reputation for the opportunities we offer to staff at all levels where the creativity, expertise and potential of all staff is nurtured and facilitates organisational growth and change.