Marketing Coordinator, Interstate at South Australian Tourism Commission - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
The South Australian Tourism Commission (SATC) is committed to growing South Australia's visitor economy to $12.8 billion by 2030. Tourism is big business in South Australia, creating work for South Australians and offering strong prospects for long-term growth. The industry contributes to the State's economic activity, generating jobs and export dollars by attracting interstate and international tourists. It also enhances the State's cultural attributes and offers sustainable development for the environment.Tourism is one of nine priority growth sectors identified by the State Government as part of its Growth State plan. Launched in August 2019, our South Australian Visitor Economy Sector Plan 2030 was the first Growth State Sector Plan to be released. Progress towards our bold ambition for 2030 ($12.8 billion in visitor spend, generating 16,000 additional jobs) will contribute to the Growth State's aim to grow Gross State Product on average by three per cent, notwithstanding external shocks. The SATC is focused on marketing the state to key tourism markets, and bringing new and exciting events and festivals to South Australia.