A space for artistsLshVa, the Art Space is opening in June 2015, in Koramangala, but the activities of LshVa are already being hosted and conducted in various spaces. Please keep updated by liking the page and checking back for details."A place where artists and connoisseurs, meet, ponder, train and experiment"VISION: Create an exceptional community of artists whose cultural ripples influence and change the world of art.MISSION: Provide high quality multi disciplinary education in the arts, and enable creative expression and collaboration.LshVa is a space that fosters the growth of Art, through collaboration, education, residencies and performance. The purpose of artistic collaboration is to influence society, initiate dialogue between artists of varying backgrounds and to provide quality training to community and aspiring art professionals.The LshVa activities will center around Classical Indian dance, Contemporary Dance, Kalaripayattu, Theater, Yoga and other performing and visual arts. It will foster creativity and dialogue by inviting guest artists of all forms and thought processes. LshVa attempts to design an atmosphere of collaboration between performing artists and artists of varying genre including Visual art, Film and other art media.LshVa houses the Raadha Kalpa Dance Company, the LshVa Collective and LshVa Theater. It also provides space and support to many visiting artists on a rotation basis to create work, teach, choreograph or experiment with ideas. The LshVa Trust supports some of the work under the"Programs for Artists".