The heart of our business is production of injection moulds, ensuring high quality standards and customer care. We are specialised in prototype and series tools both monocomponent and bicomponent with a variety of technologies such as rotational, pick and place, blade, cube and sandwich injection moulds. Our experience includes injection moulding with gas, MuCell, IMD and overmoulding. From our headquarters in Signoressa (Treviso province) we collaborate with a number of certified and qualified companies and through these partnerships we are able to work across the globe. Our goal is to satisfy every single request we receive from our customers. Successful products are born from quality relationships: for this reason, people are at the heart of our activity.We constantly monitor the manufacturing status of the product, we update the customer in real-time and offer flexible and innovative solutions, studied to win the future challenges. The final result is the creation of long-term partnerships, through a customized listening program and sharing of goals. Our sectors: Automotive / Motorcycling / Sport System / Home Automation / Seats / Aeronautics / Interior Design.