Account Manager | connecting the Belgian public sector with Cronos experts in digital transformation
Cronos Public Services NV is the premier partner for governmental institutions. We guide our clients on their digital transformation journey providing innovative solutions and services tailored to the customer's needs. Cronos Group invests in both proven & new information and communication technology, enabling our dedicated team to transform this knowledge and experience into strategic citizen-centric solutions for the public sector. We assist federal, regional and local governments and the higher education market in their digital challenges of every day. Our specialties:• Business solutions: Business-IT alignment, Business Continuity Management (BCM), Service Design, Project & Portfolio Management (Governance), GDPR, Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Architecture, …• Technical solutions: software development, DevOps, Cybersecurity & Identity and Access Management, Hosting & Cloud Solutions, Infrastructure, Application Lifecycle Management, Big Data and Analytics, Portals, Mobility and IoT, …• Creative solutions: Innovation Strategy, Digital Marketing & Communication, UX Design, Branding, Social Media Strategy & Monitoring, Illustration & Graphics, …Government transformationGovernment transformation means a significant step to change the way a government organization delivers its services, and the way it operates. Most changes that a government institution makes are fueled by 3 drivers:• Citizens: changing the way government interacts with citizens and businesses• Policy: implementing the government's new policy agenda to change people's lives.• Efficiency: making government work in a more cost-effective way.Digital transformation is both a cultural change as well as a technical one. Cronos is heavily committed to assist governments with skills & expertise, both from a staffing and a solution point-of-view, recruiting an ever increasing number of digital specialists to support the public servants in their mission.