PromoSleeve, LLC is a Texas-based company under the direction of founders Lucas and Roy Bouse- identical twins and serial entrepreneurs. The patent-pending PromoSleeve is a must-have personalized product that can be fully customized with your photos, branding, and messaging. Perfect for events, expos, festivals, concerts, sports games, weddings, and more! Our "sleeves" fit cans and bottles, with customization available to suit other beverage packaging size options. PromoSleeve is a unique, cost-effective way to capture event-goers' attention, allowing you to penetrate active consumer markets affordably, efficiently and effectively. Generate awareness, interest and leads... away from the clutter of your competitor's messages! Roy Bouse describes the moment that PromoSleeve was invented. "We were in a bar, and we noticed that everyone had a napkin wrapped around their drink. The napkins would inevitably wilt, and with it, any branding or messaging printed on it. However, I was never a fan of the alternative: bulky, beverage holders. So, Lucas and I went home and drew out our concept on a napkin." Months later, the patent-pending design and production formula for PromoSleeve was in place and ready for introduction. The result? Better print quality not available to koozies or napkins: Our "sleeves" offer crisp, quality custom art, full-color images, and messaging in a 360-degree view.Half the cost of traditional beverage wraps!Cheaper to ship, store and distribute: Our "sleeves" are thin, lightweight, and collapsible, thus arriving in smaller, lighter, easier-to-manage boxes that cost less to ship, take up less of your space to store, and are easier to transport to events!All products are biodegradable, recyclable, and made in the USA.FOR FREE SAMPLES, quotes, instructions, specs, assistance or any additional questions, please visit our website at You may also email us at or call us at (281) 271-7125.