For 30 years Omphalos has been an important social center in defense of the LGBTI community (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersex) in the region of Umbria. The values on which Omphalos' action is based are: - respect for and promotion of human and civil rights - the secularism and democracy of the institutions - the social inclusion of every person and the rejection of all discrimination - the serene relationship between each individual and the social and natural environment - freedom, equality, solidarity, anti-fascism, non-violence, peace, the rejection of all totalitarianism - internal democracy, the participation of members in the life of the Association, the transparency of decision-making processes. Omphalo's VISION is to guarantee lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people the same possibility of access to happiness for a secular, democratic and respectful of human rights society.