Lucia Lara

Gerente de cuentas clave at TELNORM - , Texas, United States

Lucia Lara's Contact Details
["+1 214-281-8918","+52 55 5265 9915","+57 313 2558756","+55 52659915"]
Lucia Lara's Company Details
TELNORM logo, TELNORM contact details


, Texas, United States • 51 - 200 Employees
Information Technology and Services

We are the utmost Technology Services Partner designed for today's global, immediate and value-focused business environment. For three decades we have led, enabled and supported our clients through multiple waves of change and technology evolution. In the process, we have learned how to be an appealing partner who brings vision, experience and powerful execution.Our comprehensive Solutions and Services offering stands out in the crowd of traditional Technology Partners, as we have infused our Enterprise Approach capabilities with Value Added Software Integration.To further support and enable our clients to strive to Business Growth, we offer Industry Leading Managed Services Programs, supported through our State-of-the-Art 24x7x365 NOC.Telnorm is ISO 9001 Certified.INDUSTRIES: - Contact Centers - Financial Trading Floors - Airport SecurityOFFICES in the USA📞1(214)281-8918, Mexico📞+52 55 5265 9915, Colombia 📞4660864 and CALA📞+1 214 281 8918 Ext 40. We serve MULTIPLE GEOGRAPHIES and have clients ACROSS THE GLOBE.Somos el Socio de Servicios de Tecnología más próximo y enfocado a la entrega de valor en el entorno empresarial global.Durante tres décadas hemos liderado, capacitado y apoyado a nuestros clientes a través de múltiples olas de cambio y evolución tecnológica, aprendiendo a ser un socio atractivo que aporta visión, experiencia y ejecución poderosa.Nuestra oferta integral de soluciones y servicios se destaca entre multitud de socios tecnológicos tradicionales al infundir nuestras capacidades de enfoque empresarial con integración de software de valor agregado.En un mayor respaldo a nuestros clientes para que estos se centren en lograr crecimiento empresarial, ofrecemos programas líderes en la industria de servicios administrados, respaldados a través de nuestro NOC de última generación 24x7x365.Certificación ISO 9001.INDUSTRIAS: -Contact Centers -Pisos de Negociación Financiera -Seguridad AeroportuariaOficinas EUA, MX, CO y C.A.

Details about TELNORM
Frequently Asked Questions about Lucia Lara
Lucia Lara currently works for TELNORM.
Lucia Lara's role at TELNORM is Gerente de cuentas clave.
Lucia Lara's email address is *** To view Lucia Lara's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lucia Lara works in the Information Technology & Services industry.
Lucia Lara's phone number is ["+1 214-281-8918","+52 55 5265 9915","+57 313 2558756","+55 52659915"]
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