ASCO-MED, spol. s r. o. is the Czech company engaged in distribution of laboratory diagnostics (human and veterinary), drugs and medical devices on the territory of the Czech and Slovak republic.With almost 30 years of experience ASCO-MED represents security, reliability and credibility both for our foreign partners and the Czech customers. Since 2001 we have been awarded the ISO Quality management Certificate.Our sales representatives and technicians provides scientific and technical background with an emphasis on fast addressing customer's needs. Having large warehouse we are able to offer product storage to external partners and the quick product delivery by fleet of our cooling cars with monitored temperature. Our 16 employees are regularly trained and willing to challenge new opportunities.One of them is our own production of food supplements and medical devices. In 2019, we introduced our first product from the Solutionline – 4hydro and currently we are open to cooperation with the distributors from other countries.