Mashjoy Web Hosting is a reliable Web Hosting & Web Design company. We are based in Pretoria, South Africa. Our core services are: Web Hosting, Email Hosting, Domains, Resposive Web design and Google Services.If you have an existing website that doesn't show up on Google search through organic search, we offer Google Search Optimisation servicees (SEO). We also help businesses set up Google services such as creating a Google Listing Profile, Google Search Console and Google Ads Setup.All our web hosting services are self managed and you will not need someone else to manage your hosting account. We offer True cloud web hosting powered by SSD Raid 10 drives, LiteSpeed web server that's up to 10 times faster than Apache (i.e. what "the other guys" use) and Cloudflare integrated with Railgun to make your website load at the speed of light. You will also be able to install WordPress for Free.