We help entrepreneurs to plan, write and publish their own books to raise their impact, income and influence.The Entrepreneur's PublisherRETHINK PRESS works with entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches, consultants and intrapreneurs to get their best book planned, written and published. We draw on 14 years of publishing hundreds of business and self-help books to bring the best possible service to our authors.Through our author and publishing services we take your book through all the stages of publishing, from editing and proofreading; cover and interior design; typesetting for print and formatting for e-book; uploading to printers, Amazon and Kindle; listing with international wholesaler databases; managing your sales and royalties; to troubleshooting and supporting your marketing strategies. As a hybrid publisher, we work for you just as a traditional publisher does, but by paying upfront for professional publishing services, you the author remain in control of your IP and publishing process; then earn high royalties on commercial sales and purchase author copies of your books at low prices.Our BookPlan workshops, BookBuddy writing coaching, and BookSmith services to get your book written with a professional writer, means we offer an expert, wraparound service to cover every aspect of planning, writing and publishing your book.Each one of our authors receives responsive, personal service from Joe and Lucy, backed by Rethink's team of top coaches, writers, editors, designers, illustrators, typesetters and marketing advisors.How can we help you with your writing, or to get your book published?