Focus Ecology are a centrally-based consultancy with a wealth of experience who can guide you through the ecology aspects of your planning application. We are qualified to carry out initial ecology surveys and have the experience and licenses necessary to carry out specialist protected species surveys (e.g. for bats) and see you through from start to finish. What's more, all of our projects will receive a dedicated ecologist who will be on hand if you have any queries. The best way to see how we can help you is for you to get in touch directly. We can then provide you with a free, transparent and competitively priced quote. We look forward to working with you! Tel. 01905 780700 Email: Focus Ecology services: > Preliminary Ecological Appraisals > Botanical Surveys (Phase I, Phase II, NVC) > Bat Surveys (daytime, dusk/dawn, transect, activity, DNA analysis) > Great Crested Newt Surveys (including eDNA) > Reptile Surveys > Badger Surveys > Bird Surveys (breeding birds, common bird census) > White-clawed Crayfish Surveys > Other Protected Species Surveys (barn owl, water vole, otter, invertebrate, etc.) > Mitigation / Development Licences (bats, great crested newts, badgers) > Conservation Licences (white-clawed crayfish, great crested newts) > Badger Sett Closures and creation of Artificial Setts > Translocation & Relocation Exercises > Ecological Management Plans > Mitigation Strategies, Method Statements & Biodiversity Enhancement Schemes > Code for Sustainable Homes & BREEAM Assessments (ecology) > Fauna & Flora Chapter of EIA > Appropriate Assessment > Expert Witness > Arboricultural / Tree Surveys for Planning > Tree Surveys for Health & Safety > Habitat Management, Creation & Manipulation Services