In 2007 a young woman named Lucy Quartermaine brought her dream to life and created her designer brand from scratch. She recalls being in awe of her Grandmother's skill of creating jewellery from a young age and developed her first piece of Silver jewellery at just 16 years of age. After discovering her passion for jewellery as a child, she gained a BA Hons at Sheffield Hallam University in 2003 after completing an intense 3-year course of ‘Jewellery and Metalwork Design'.Lucy Quartermaine is now an award-winning English contemporary Jewellery designer and silversmith. Her designs can be seen on numerous A listed British and American Celebrities and in many top glossy magazines such a Red, Vogue, Look, Cosmopolitan and many more. Have a look at our press page on our website! Based in Chester where she grew up with her family, Lucy now works from her office and boutique in the heart of the city. It has always been a goal of hers to open a creative hub for herself and other like-minded companies, this dream became a reality in 2019 after moving to The Old Coach House with five other creative businesses. She also offers exclusive bespoke design appointments from her boutique.Her stunning designs are created in sterling silver and are inspired by nature, her life and fluid elements in motion. View our trade page via our website to find out how to become a stockist of award winning brad Lucy Quartermaine.