EXPERIENCEFor more than 30 years, Privalux Management successfully accompanies its private clients in the management of their wealth. Together, they celebrated many successes and also faced the most challenging market crises, but the loyalty of its clientele is the most glaring testimony to the maturity of Privalux Management and deep experience in the financial markets.Today, our clients can rely on a solid and fully independent partner which is 100% owned by its promoters, professionals of the financial sector. AMBITIONSPrivalux Management aspires to embrace the key factors of technical progress in asset management, materialized by the emergence of fintechs and artificial intelligence. A more intimate LISTENING quality and the attentive satisfaction of new needs thus raised are the levers that Privalux wants to move to support its customers in the digital world.But technological progress would be nothing without research and intellectual innovation, especially towards new asset classes, but also in the style of a management system at the service of greater performance and even better controlled risks. Privalux remains attentive, through the research it promotes and the continuous training of its team, to master the tools and management models and to create original and individual solutions for its clients.GOVERNANCEPrivalux Management is regulated by the FSSC (http://www.cssf.lu/en). As such, it is subject to all the legislative and regulatory provisions of the EU in the financial areas in which the company is active. Its agreements allow it to deliver the services of Investment Consulting, Asset Management and Family Office on both, the territory of Luxembourg, but also in the EU countries for which it has requested the agreements based on the Freedom of Services provisions. Beyond the rules imposed by the Supervisory Authorities, Privalux observes a strict governance charter whose the three key words are: ethics, loyalty and transparency.