Soldador at NCC Bolig A/S (NCC Housing Denmark) - Søborg, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
NCC's vision is to renew our industry and provide superior sustainable solutions. NCC is active throughout the value chain in its efforts to create environments for work, living and communication. NCC Bolig A/S is among the market leaders within residential development in the Danish Capital Region is a part of NCC Housing, which is one of four separate Business Areas in the NCC Group. NCC develops and builds residential and commercial properties, industrial facilities and public buildings, roads, civilengineering structures and other types of infrastructure. NCC also offers input materials used in construction, such as aggregates and asphalt, and conducts paving and road services. NCC primarily conducts operations in the Nordic region. In the Baltic region, NCC mainly builds housing on a proprietary basis and in Germany single-family housing.