Luis Enzweiler

Administrador at Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - Florianópolis, N/A, br

Luis Enzweiler's Colleagues at Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
Tatiane Valigura

Técnico Universitário de Suporte - Assistente Administrativo

Contact Tatiane Valigura

Robert Raimundo

Projeto de Inteligência de Vídeo - UDESC/SSPSC

Contact Robert Raimundo

Jackelyne Passos

Estudante de Graduação

Contact Jackelyne Passos

View All Luis Enzweiler's Colleagues
Luis Enzweiler's Contact Details
Novo Hamburgo,Rio Grande do Sul,Brazil
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
Luis Enzweiler's Company Details
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina logo, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina contact details

Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Florianópolis, N/A, br • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Santa Catarina State University - Udesc was established in 1965 multi campus structured and focused in culture and socioeconomic profile of any region where Udesc has facilities. Udesc offers free education through 55 undergraduate, 30 Master's and 12 Doctoralgraduate programs and its 12 Colleges in nine cities around Santa Catarina State. Over 15 thousand students within fields of health, engineering, education, art and business administration with goals contributing to development of the Santa Catarina State and Brazil.Evaluation of Ministry of Education of Brazil ranked Udesc as the 4th best state university in Brazil and 18th overall among 192 evaluated.Udesc team teachers is highly qualified. Over 95% of teachers are masters and doctors - these, 10% participated in post-doctoral training.Aimed at the full development of academic activities and practices of their students, Udesc offers complete infrastructure, such as libraries and laboratories, in all its units.The research developed by Udesc generates a high-level knowledge production personnel and professional performance, and help to solve specific problems, thereby addressing social demands.There are 142 groups certified by the National Research Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), divided into eight major subject areas: Agricultural Sciences, Biological, Health, Exact and Earth Sciences, Humanities, Applied Social, Engineering, and Linguistics, Literature and Arts.Udesc invests R$ 1.8 million per year through the Program to Support Research (PAP), in partnership with the Foundation for Research and the State of Santa Catarina Innovation (Fapesc), in addition to providing undergraduate research scholarship and promote an annual seminar in the area.Udesc also has other advantages, such as the Veterinary Hospital (CAV - Lages City), School of Physiotherapy Clinic (Cefid - Florianópolis City), Museum of Santa Catarina School, The University Publisher, the Copyright Offic

Higher Education
Details about Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
Frequently Asked Questions about Luis Enzweiler
Luis Enzweiler currently works for Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina.
Luis Enzweiler's role at Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina is Administrador.
Luis Enzweiler's email address is *** To view Luis Enzweiler's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Luis Enzweiler works in the Higher Education industry.
Luis Enzweiler's colleagues at Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina are Taisa Comerlato, Tatiane Valigura, Robert Raimundo, Julia Segat, Jackelyne Passos, Emanuelly Brizola, Eduardo Renault and others.
Luis Enzweiler's phone number is N/A
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