Triumph Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to help children, adults, and Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder (SCI) to triumph over their disability and to inspire them to keep moving forward with their lives by pushing themselves to get better every day. Triumph Foundation works to minimize the obstacles that one faces after suffering traumatic injury.Triumph Foundation provides resources, hope and security to people living with paralysis – not just initially when the injury occurs, but as a lifelong support network. Additionally, we hold events that are a captivating force within the entire community. We are the go-to organization for people living with mobility impairments in Southern California.Triumph Foundation provides the following programs:Newly Injured Support -Care Basket Outreach -SCI Support GroupsGrants and Equipment -Keep Moving Forward Grants -Equipment & Supply ExchangeAdaptive Recreation -Wheelchair Sports -Outdoor AdventuresOur programs assist a person from the beginning of their injury with our Care Basket Outreach; down the road to recovery getting the necessary goods and services to achieve independence through our Keep Moving Forward Grant and Exchange program; and then assist a person with SCI to reemerge into the community by helping them emotionally through our Support Groups and restore a sense of life and adventure through our Adaptive Recreation activities. We have become a force in the community that is a critical resource to people living with paralysis.