Our Purpose & Principles at GTS is a commitment to provide excellent customer service while containing cost. We strive to be the best in the Transportation and Translation industry and we do this by handling our referrals with a case management approach. We believe that this is a partnership to return your injured workers to work in a timely and cost effective manner and that all parties know that "GTS Cares".The GTS difference is that we take a proactive case management approach. We follow up and follow through! We complete a 3-point contact on all incoming transportation and translation referrals. We go that extra mile and complete an additional 3-point reconfirmation the day before every scheduled appointment to ensure everyone is on the same page and no changes have occurred. We believe a few calls on the front end can save hours of time on the back end. We are in constant contact with our drivers and interpreters to ensure the injured worker is on time. Should they encounter any delays we are able to act with the appropriate course of action.