ARGO CAPITAL PARTNERS is an Impact Investing Private Equity firm specialising in the Energy Transition towards a low-carbon economy. We invest in Spanish and Portuguese Small and Medium Enterprises that contribute with their products or services to the reduction of CO2 emissions. We support our portfolio companies in the design and execution of strategic plans focused on growth and internationalization.Our team specializes in the execution of corporate transactions, focuses on hands-on support of portfolio companies and has vast experience in:• Energy industry and regulation;• C-Level Management, Business Development, Internationalization;• Private Equity and Finance.We invest in ambitious companies committed to shaping a world in which the economy moves towards a more environmentally-friendly energy use, in particular, regarding CO2 emissions reduction.We partner with entrepreneurs to support them in the design and implementation of their strategies, providing our knowledge, relationships and financial resources. We have a business-minded approach to investments.From ARGO we visualize a world with a more efficient energy use, with energy production based on renewable sources, a distributed energy system with an active role of the consumer (who becomes a consumer / producer or "prosumer"), with electricity-based mobility, in which the circular economy plays a key role and where the digital transformation will act as a facilitator in the implementation of these changes.