Publicity Chair at Engineers Without Borders - Puget Sound Professionals - Seattle, Washington, United States
The Puget Sound Chapter of Engineers Without Borders-USA (EWB-USA) is a diverse group of professionals working to support community-driven development programs. Our membership consists of professionals and students from a variety of professions including engineering, health, anthropology, and business. The aim of every project pursued by the Puget Sound Chapter is to help improve a community's capacity to meet their basic human needs. This vision is pursued by partaking in the design and implementation of sustainable engineering projects. Our success comes from working in partnership with host communities, nonprofits, local universities, and professional organizations. This enables our chapter to work with a diverse group of stakeholders so the right resources can help enable each community to sustain the developmental benefit of projects. Our chapter works with partner communities in Nicaragua, Sierra Leone and Uganda. For the Wai community in Sierra Leone, we are focusing on increasing access to health care as well as implementing infrastructure to improve the general health of the region. We are working with the Coope community in Uganda to construct an Information and Communications Technology center as a means to promote access to the internet for educational and entrepreneurial advancement. In Nicaragua, we have worked closely with several communities in the region on potable water supply projects. These projects are entirely funded and managed by local donors and volunteers from around the greater Puget Sound region.