Mercian started life in the early 1970's, initially specialising in the industrial property development sector. Towards the end of the 1980's Mercian branched out into residential, commercial and leisure development and in 1990 we undertook our first retail development.One of the strengths of Mercian is its ability to react to the market. It is able to make decisions quickly and its this agility that enables it to progress difficult and demanding schemes to a successful conclusion.Whilst retail, roadside and leisure development remains our principle strength, Mercian also promote schemes for care home and extra care development with a number of schemes currently underway. We also enjoy excellent relationships with various funds and occupiers which means our experience and expertise is often sought on challenging joint venture opportunities.Mercian is headed by the Towers family. Chris Towers is the Managing Director and Andy Barton is the Development Director. The Mercian Group acquired two new starters in 2020, through Luke Brittian, previously at Churchill Retirment Living who has joined as our Land Director and Ed Towers who has joined from Jones Lang LaSalle.