Running a factory can be a tough balancing act. On the one hand, you're trying to maximise output, meet production targets, maintain quality and ensure peak plant performance. On the other, you need to reduce costs, lower your carbon footprint and improve the bottom line.CoolPlanet is an engineering services company underpinned by a powerful software platform – Clarity™ – that specialises in helping manufacturing companies and commercial buildings achieve net zero carbon. We help you implement and maintain an optimisation strategy, improving production processes and ensuring improved efficiency of site equipment, while saving you time, energy and money. We have helped companies reduce their energy bills by 30% while improving their product quality at the same time. Clarity's benefits include increased efficiency, visibility of data, improved reliability/uptime, reduced energy spend, lower carbon footprint, better throughput, optimised processes, liberation of time/KPI reporting and reduced resource spend. We work across many different areas such as brewing, manufacturing, edible oils, glass container production, meat processing, pharmaceuticals, commercial buildings, and automotive. From PepsiCo to Johnson & Johnson, Intel to MSD, we're trusted by world's leading companies.