The Philadelphia Cultural Fund ensures the organizational stability and artistic quality of the cultural sector in Philadelphia by providing general operating grants on an annual basis through a peer review process; grants are made through a City budget allocation to the Cultural Fund. The Philadelphia Cultural Fund was established in 1991 when Philadelphia's City Council authorized the creation of a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation whose mission is to provide funds to enhance arts and cultural organizations throughout the City. Over $40M has been awarded since 1994; grants are awarded to over 260 arts and culture organizations annually; the organizations range from small to large, from unincorporated groups working through a fiscal sponsor to multi-million dollar non-profit corporations. STAFFBarbara J. Silzle, Executive Directorbarbara@philaculturalfund.org215.686-2186Michelle Currica, Program Managermichelle@philaculturalfund.org215.686-0343Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @PhilaCulturFundPlease visit out website to learn more.