Waldrams is a niche and highly specialised chartered surveying practice that provides advice, analysis, and reports on rights to light, daylight and sunlight, party wall, and other technical components for developments.The company is based in London and has more than 20 years' experience. We offer bespoke, clear, and practical advice to our clients to unlock their site's development potential. We seek to understand our client's key needs to help them achieve their development goals.Our ability to maximise development potential is supported by our specialist in-house CAD team using exceptional state-of-the-art, three-dimensional computer models and sophisticated software to support every project. Waldrams' suite of services includes advising on rights of light risks on development sites and party-wall matters, preparing daylight and sunlight reports for planning applications, conducting overshadowing studies, and analysing solar glare and electric light pollution (spill).Waldrams has worked extensively in England; Transport for London, Galliford Try, and the University of Oxford are an example of its diverse client base.