To inspire stewardship of nature by connecting diverse individuals through hands-on educational environmental activities. Green Teams of Canada (GTC) engages volunteers in activities like invasive plant removals, planting of native species, shoreline clean-ups at parks and preparation of vegetable beds at educational farmsObjectives• Engage young Canadians in tangible environmental actions in their communities• Raise awareness of environment through hands-on education• Inspire young Canadians to take on leadership roles• Foster a sense of empowerment, pride, community and belonging• Improve mental and physical well-being outdoors• Restore ecosystems and increase biodiversityOur impact to date (as of May 17 2018): • Grown to 5,800 volunteers (3,600 of whom are youth), who have contributed 26,000 hours (we are the largest environmental volunteer group in BC)• Engaged 20 elementary and secondary schools• Run 520 Green Team activities• Removed 3,650 cubic meters and 88,000 lbs of invasive plants• Planted 19,800 native plants and trees• Removed 5,600 lbs of garbage from shorelinesAwards• Jane Goodall Institute Recognition for impacting people & environment – 2011• Earth Day Canada Hometown Heroes Award – 2013• Nature Vancouver Frank Sanford Award – 2013• Recycling Council of BC Award for providing services beyond expectations – 2014• YWCA Environmental Sustainability Award – 2014• Restoration Catalyst Award – 2014• Vancity Social Innovation Award – 2016• Volunteer victoria Award for Leadership – 2016• District of Saanich Environmental Award – 2017• iATS Innovator Award, Local Hero - May 8 2018