Lydia Burgert

External PhD Student at PharMetrX Graduate Research Training Program - , Delaware, United States

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PharMetrX Graduate Research Training Program
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PharMetrX Graduate Research Training Program

, Delaware, United States • 22 Employees

The Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX: Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling is a joint initiative between the Freie Universität Berlin and the Universität Potsdam, bridging pharmacy and mathematics, supported by the research-driven pharmaceutical companies. As a transdisciplinary structured Graduate Research Training Program, PharMetrX offers PhD candidates a unique opportunity to experience research in the areas of drug development and optimising drug therapy jointly within academia and industry. The PhD program focuses on a broad spectrum of theoretical methods at the interface of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, disease modelling, systems biology, scientific computing and mathematical modelling. The languages of instructions are English or German.PharMetrX offers:[1] a 3.5 year research program[2] joint supervision of the scientific progress and personal development[3] a structured research training curriculum of basic and advanced academic and industry modules[4] an individual research and development plan[5] mentors from industry partners[6] a transdisciplinary research environmentPharMetrX is open to candidates with a university degree that posses a profound knowledge in pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, systems biology OR mathematical modelling, and have obtained grades that are above average compared to their peers. Yearly call for application is from July to mid September.---------------------------Contact information:Chairs: Prof. Charlotte Kloft (FUB), Prof. Wilhelm Huisinga (UP)Coordinator: Cornelia BoehnstedtFreie Universitaet BerlinInstitut für PharmazieKelchstr. 31, 12169 BerlinTelephone: +49 (0)30 838 517 26E-mail: contact@PharMetrX.deWeb:

Details about PharMetrX Graduate Research Training Program
Frequently Asked Questions about Lydia Burgert
Lydia Burgert currently works for PharMetrX Graduate Research Training Program.
Lydia Burgert's role at PharMetrX Graduate Research Training Program is External PhD Student.
Lydia Burgert's email address is *** To view Lydia Burgert's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lydia Burgert works in the Pharmaceuticals industry.
Lydia Burgert's colleagues at PharMetrX Graduate Research Training Program are Ayatallah Saleh, Sara Iannuzzi and others.
Lydia Burgert's phone number is
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