Coordinator for Duane En Marino Automotive Solutions, MarinoTV,on-line interative virtual training,
Sales strategist, author, trainer live & on-line virtual training platform MarinoTV
Duane EN Marino Automotive Training is Canada's #1 source for automotive sales and personal/professional development.Duane has been helping dealerships and salespeople across North America reach their full potential with his proven, extensive, and in-depth FLOW 2.0 program.Duane is devoted to sales and training, and has achieved several "firsts" in the development of human performance potential...and continues to stay ahead of the market and his peers.Sales and F&I workshops, doing on-site in-dealership training and coaching individuals on how to become more in all areas of their lives.Subscribe to MarinoTV for on-demand training, or have Duane come to your dealership for on-site training with your sales and management teams.Achieving Profit through Process! | | 1-888-735-6275