Slam Academy of Electronic Arts is an educational program dedicated to creative excellence in digital music and media. With classes in Ableton Live, Sound Design, Synthesis, Beatmaking, DJing and more, our curriculum is uniquely tailored to meet the needs of students with a desire to be on the cutting edge of electronic music and art. At the core of SLAM Academy's mission is a commitment to take each student, from the brand new artist to the advanced learner, to the next level. With instruction available in theme-based, three course modules you can pick up your education where you left off, whether you're building your first beat from scratch, fine-tuning your latest mix or taking your skills from the studio to the stage. Our core educators are experts in the field of music, with credentials including extensive Ableton Certifications and advanced degrees in music composition and theory. They are also creative professionals and seasoned educators with years of experience in the studio, the club and the classroom. A midwest hub for creative education in varied forms of digital media, the SLAM Academy also brings frequent guest instructors to the roster. Our goal is to connect experts from all corners of the digital art world – music, sound design, visual and interactive arts – to the next generation of creative minds. Slam Academy is a member of the National Guild for Community Arts Education.