Environmental Specialist at Pacific Spectrum Environmental Research and Consultancy, Inc - , ,
Environmental Legal Services & Environmental Appraisals * Environmental compliance, pollution adjudication and other permitting and reporting requirements (Water Discharge Permit, Air Permit-to-Operate, Quarterly Self Monitoring Reports) *Due diligence audit for industrial and commercial facilities *Environmental policy research and other related studies Water and Wastewater Treatment Process Design and Assessment *Treatment Systems: conventional systems, fixed film systems, Sequencing Batch Reactor, constructed wetlands (e.g. reedbeds) *Water treatment process design for domestic and industrial use *Process design for the treatment of domestic and industrial wastewaters *Performance assessment of various wastewater treatment facilities and recommendations on improvement of existing treatment facilities Environmental Monitoring and Sampling *Air, water and soil quality sampling, monitoring and assessment *Environmental sampling on surface (rivers and lakes) and coastal waters in connection with EIA studies and EMP monitoring plans Environmental Impact Assessment Modules & Environmental Auditing *Preparation of Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) requirements: EIA Study and Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) *Post ECC Requirements such as Environmental Management Plans and Environmental Monitoring Plans *Formulation of Solid Waste Management Plans for LGUs (LGSWMP) *Site assessment and technical feasibility studies for landfill and materials recovery facilities (MRFs), composting and recycling centers Industrial Waste Management and Pollution Control *Hazardous Waste Management *Hospital Waste Management *Air pollution Control System design *Contaminated Sites Assessment