The CAHP program was created by Louis 'Lou' Brown. After seeing his single mom get turned down for the purchase of a home in his childhood, he saw that she gave up hope and never tried again. After being raised in a run down tiny apartment, Lou wondered if there was a better way. Lou discovered when he bought his own home at the age of 19 that people could buy a home without qualifying for a loan the traditional way . Remembering the tough times that his mother and he had gone through, he set out to create a process that would allow anyone, regardless of credit or background, to have a future. The hope and dream of home ownership could become a reality for the millions that are in positions like he and his mom. If you are a business providing homes to deserving families or want to be one, become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™CAHP's are well trained and have access to tested and trademarked tools that help them to market to and attract people who may not be able to buy a home now but have interest to do so in the future. Our training shows you how to turn this opportunity into a sustainable long-term business model. Currently hundreds of local CAHP's are providing thousands of individuals and families the opportunity to someday own a home of their own. This designation is open to licensed Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, Not-For-Profit organizations PLUS non-licensed housing entrepreneurs, housing investors and real estate investment companies.