Are you a Commercial Insurance Broker sales leader... ➡️ Looking for new producers?➡️ Struggling to find the right producers to grow your business?➡️ Stretched too thin internally to take on recruiting new producers?➡️ Had your fill of too many failed producers?➡️ Sick and tired of traditional insurance recruiters sending you recycled producers?➡️ Needing access to a deeper, local B2B sales talent pool...beyond the insurance industry?This is where CIB, the new producer recruiter, comes in.CIB recruits out-of-industry B2B "hunter" sales people to become producers for the country's best commercial insurance brokers. CIB can help you by... ➡️ Executing your customized producer recruitment marketing campaign ➡️ Recruiting B2B "hunter" sales people -- in your local market and from outside of insurance - and being your brand ambassador to drive your sales recruiting engine➡️ Assessing candidate fit thoroughly with interviews and validated assessment profiles➡️ Backing up our recruiting work with a 3-year candidate replacement program➡️ Offering "The Validator", a unique pay-for-performance, shared-risk recruiting model ➡️ Getting your new producer selling quickly in our optional, on-demand, 6-month or 12-month New Producer Development Program with individualized weekly sales coaching from a veteran insurance producer. If you want to discuss how we can help you in the same way we've helped hundreds of the country's best commercial insurance brokers, please connect with me and let's talk.✍ |☎ | 973-271-4458