Valley Reed founded Chrysalis Healing Arts in the year 2000 after graduating from the Massage Institute in Dallas, Texas. She joined the International Association for the Study of Dreams in the year 2000 and has been a frequent presenter at many of their annual international conferences over the years. In 2013 she completed her training as a Certified Active Dreaming Teacher with Robert Moss, who pioneered an original synthesis of modern dream work and ancient shamanic dream practices. She combines her knowledge of holistic approaches to healing the mind, body and spirit through shamanic approaches to dreaming, soul recovery, massage, energy healing, and somatic emotional integration. Her blog is Wild Women Weekend Retreats in the Spring and the FallMonthly Dream GroupsMonthly New Moon Women's GroupsDepth Workshops on Soul Recovery, Family Dream Sharing, Dream Theater, Dream Healing, Ancestral Dreaming,Time Travel and Quantum Jumping, Active Dreaming & Sacred Activism, Dreaming with the Oracle, Shamanic Chakra Journeys, Dream Tracking with Power Animals.