Lynnette Reiser

Direct Support Professional at LArche Erie Inc. - Erie, PA, US

Lynnette Reiser's Contact Details
LArche Erie Inc.
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LArche Erie Inc.

Erie, PA, US • 20 - 49 Employees

L'Arche Erie is a community of faith where life is shared between individuals with and without intellectual disabilities. L'Arche Erie is the oldest and largest communities of L'Arche in the United States and has been in the Erie area for 44 years. L'Arche is an international organization headquartered in Paris, France and was created 52 years ago. The Federation includes 146 communities in 35 countries on all five continents.At the heart of L'Arche communities are relationships. "Mutuality " implies that these relations are lived in mutual respect, that the interaction between individuals is marked by honesty. These relationships foster the growth and development of each person. They create the possibility to truly appreciate each person in their uniqueness, whatever their strengths and weaknesses.

Details about LArche Erie Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Lynnette Reiser
Lynnette Reiser currently works for 'L''Arche Erie, Inc.'.
Lynnette Reiser's role at 'L''Arche Erie, Inc.' is Direct Support Professional.
Lynnette Reiser's email address is *** To view Lynnette Reiser's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lynnette Reiser works in the Mental Health Care industry.
Lynnette Reiser's colleagues at LArche Erie Inc. are Vicki Washek, Pamela Perron, Jessica Morgan-Ochalek, Tanisha Jones-Beard, Elizabeth Hallock, Jamie Myers, Amy Richardson and others.
Lynnette Reiser's phone number is
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