Opternity (formed by two of the developers of the original CD optical storage) plans to replace magnetic tapes and drives with optical tapes and drives. • Long term archive storage of digital data is the goal (and the LAW) for hundreds of thousands of companies worldwide. • The amount of digital data is growing by 10 times every 5 years. • LTO (Linear Tape Open) magnetic tapes and drives are one of the most popular solutions with annual sales in excess of $2.0 Billion. • Magnetic tape has several shortcomings including cost, capacity, life and reliability.The short story is that we will build tape cartridges with optical tape and drives with optical read/write heads. This approach will leverage all of the current design and production investments while resolving the magnetic tape limitations. Along with some low risk engineering (but no new inventing) it really is that simple.Why didn't someone think about this before? They did and have been working on it since the 90's but formatting the "tracks and sectors" on optical tape has been a hard problem to solve until now. After 3 years of development and release of the patent Opternity is now ready for the next step. We need $4 million from investors to build the actual production prototypes and turn the $2 billion magnetic tape market upside down.