FIIND Impact is an independent investment consultant and advisor focusing on combining impact and financial expertise. We help investors to invest responsibly and to commit to a net positive impact on people and planet in line with their unique set of values.Vision and MissionWe envision a world in which institutional and private capital are a force for good and a solution to the world's most pressing issues. A world in which money moves to where it is really needed. Our structureFIIND Impact consists of a commercial entity and a foundation in which different target audiences are serviced. The Company | for-profitFIIND Impact mobilises and supports institutional investors and asset owners in finding the investment opportunities that match their impact mandate. We work for endowments & foundations, family offices, wealth management & private banks, insurers, pension funds and their fiduciary managers.The Foundation | non-profitFIIND Impact foundation supports non-profit and governmental organisations in mobilising capital from institutional investors to move the money to where it is really needed. Our offer1. Impact market research: understanding the opportunities in the market;2. Managing the journey from determining the investors' unique values to a bespoke impact mandate;3. Impact mandate implementation: analysing the impact investment opportunities; financial, sustainability and impact due diligence. Financial and impact monitoring and reporting; 4. Advocacy and training on various impact related topics to help create awareness to move the money to where it is really needed. FIIND Impact B.V. is registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 78200075, FIIND Impact foundation is registered under number 78200008