Maceal Rapalje

General Manager at Rapalje - Sappemeer, Groningen, Netherlands

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Sappemeer, Groningen, Netherlands • 3 Employees

NLDe muzikanten van Rapalje met hun wilde haardossen en middeleeuwse kilts creëren door hun enthousiasme en gedrevenheid vlammende energie. Rapalje laat door middel van gevoelige ballades, vurige liederen en temperamentvolle Keltische melodieën een flinke vonk overslaan op hun publiek. Een concert van Rapalje is als een tijdreis met herkenbare losbandigheid en ruwe levenswijze.ENThe musicians of Rapalje with their wild hair and medieval kilts create flaming energy with their enthusiasm and motivation. With sensitive ballads, fiery songs and vivacious Celtic melodies Rapalje electrifies their audience. A concert of Rapalje is like a journey through time with recognizable licentiousness and a rough way of life.Celtic folk from Ireland and Scotland, with an occasional Dutch folktune 'with a difference', is what the Dutch band Rapalje performs. The musicians: William, Maceál, Dieb and David, play a diverse amount of instruments, including fiddle, bagpipes, low-whistles tin-whistle, gitouki, squeezebox, mouth-organ, bodhrán and tea-chest-bassIn their kilts and with their medieval 'props' every single one of their concerts is a concert to remember.DEDie Musikanten von Rapalje mit ihren wilden Haaren und gekleidet in mittelalterlichen Kilts, verprühen durch Enthusiasmus und Ausgelassenheit flammende Energie. Rapalje lässt durch gefühlvolle Balladen, feuerige Lieder und Temperamentvollen Keltischen Melodien den Funke auf das Publikum überspringen. Die Show entführt den Zuschauer auf eine Zeitreise in eine andere Welt.

Details about Rapalje
Frequently Asked Questions about Maceal Rapalje
Maceal Rapalje currently works for Rapalje.
Maceal Rapalje's role at Rapalje is General Manager.
Maceal Rapalje's email address is *** To view Maceal Rapalje's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Maceal Rapalje works in the Music industry.
Maceal Rapalje's colleagues at Rapalje are and others.
Maceal Rapalje's phone number is
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