Steel Connection Design and Miscellaneous Stair/Handrail DesignOur primary focus is to provide safe and sound engineering design. Our goal is to provide fast, economical, construction efficient connection information to our clients. Connection design is more than simply applying the engineering principals. We frequently see connection details that meet the strength requirements, but are impractical to fabricate and/or erect. Understanding the detailing process, shop preferences, and erection limitations, must be a consideration for practical connection details. Providing clear connection details to the draftsman will speed the shop drawing process and minimize approval comments. Selection of welding processes, bolting requirements, connection material, and connection detail can maximize shop and erection efficiency. These are very specialized design considerations that benefit our clients and ultimately their projects.Our experience in fabrication, erection, detailing, and design give us a unique perspective on fabrication and erection economy. Connection design is a specialized design consideration in steel structures. Most engineers understand the basic principals. Fabrication and erection economy are rarely taught in the classroom or lecture series. Selection of the connection engineer, whether by the fabricator or engineer of record, can significantly impact the efficiency of detailing, fabrication, and erection. Making the right choice can save money on your project.