Project Manager and Designer at DAVID RUBIN Land Collective - Philadelphia, PA, US
DAVID RUBIN Land Collective is driven by design empathy and emphasizes holistically-sustainable principles, with social sustainability leading the design effort. Life is what happens between buildings. Since a successful space is one that's well attended, the success of our design depends on how people engage each other in it, no matter what the scale. It is in the context of connective tissue that DAVID RUBIN Land Collective works as a design firm, using the disciplines of landscape architecture and urban design to bring people together in a positive dialogue. Our work spans ecological and regional systems, urban districts, campuses, civic parks, plazas, and intimate spaces.The name LAND COLLECTIVE derives from the understanding that innovation is achieved through collaboration and that demonstrable leadership and the synthesis of multiple disciplines result in design excellence. Landscape requires a spectrum of thoughtful ideas in order to be successfully rendered. This collective consciousness is necessary to lift landscape to the highest ideals.