Games development, AR-development and computer graphicsBriefly about the Mad Aliens Studio company:- Stable large team of developers;- More than 5 years of experience in game development;- Portfolio 50 + projects;- Proprietary technologies and achievements in various fields; - Sharpened development process; - Ability quickly and accurately performs tasks of any complexity. Areas of the Mad Aliens Studio Company: - Development own and outsourcing projects; - Creating games on mobile platforms iOS, Android, iPhone; - 2D and 3D video development; - The development of AR/VRMad Aliens Studio Company - reliable business partner in the Gaming Industry.We stick to:- Rapid start- Fair price- Transparency- Safe cooperation- Quality- SimplicityWe're a good fit if you value stability and a client-oriented approach. Contact us! We will give 4 hours of work on your project for FREE!