Madeleine McGowan

Stedets Væsen - Speculative Designer at NXT BRAND - N/A, N/A, DK

Madeleine McGowan's Colleagues at NXT BRAND
Helene Bom

Public Affairs Analyst and Advisor

Contact Helene Bom

Madeleine McGowan's Contact Details
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Madeleine McGowan's Company Details
NXT BRAND logo, NXT BRAND contact details


N/A, N/A, DK • 10 - 19 Employees
Multimedia Software

Branding and developing in a world of media, arts and rebellionNXT er et innovations- og brandingbureau optaget af den frie tænkning inden for kunst, arkitektur, formidling, politik og ledelse.Vi tilbyder kreativ eksekvering og sparring på tværs af vores discipliner og internationale netværk til virksomheder, kommuner og mennesker, der skal præstere højt.Vi tror, at forandringer og konkurrencekraft skabes med livsglæde, ansvarlighed og dyb viden om det, der driver verden af i morgen.Velkommen i en lys fremtid ::NXT BureauRådgivning og eksekvering inden for kommunikation, medier, politik, strategi og ledelseNXT LabsResearch, udvikling og prototyping inden for kunst, arkitektur, film, bæredygtig omstilling og videnskabNXT AcademyKursus, salon, foredrag og coachingNXT WorkspaceArbejdspladser, mødested og oplevelserNXT CommunityKøbenhavn, Aarhus, Los Angeles, Paris, Kobe// NXT is an innovation and branding agency occupied by the free thinking in arts, architecture, communications, politics and management.We offer creative execution and sparring across our disciplines and international networks for companies, municipalities and high performing people.We believe that change and competitiveness are created with happiness, credibility and profound knowledge of what drives the world tomorrow.Welcome in a bright future ::NXT Agency
 Consulting and execution in communications, media, politics, strategy and managementNXT Labs
Researchdevelopment and prototyping in arts, architecture, film, sustainability and scienceNXT Academy
Courses, salon, lectures and coachingNXT Workspace
Workplaces, venues and eventsNXT Community
Copenhagen, Aarhus, Los Angeles, Paris, Kobe

Details about NXT BRAND
Frequently Asked Questions about Madeleine McGowan
Madeleine McGowan currently works for NXT BRAND.
Madeleine McGowan's role at NXT BRAND is Stedets Væsen - Speculative Designer.
Madeleine McGowan's email address is *** To view Madeleine McGowan's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Madeleine McGowan works in the Multimedia Software industry.
Madeleine McGowan's colleagues at NXT BRAND are Nikoline Kern, Helene Bom and others.
Madeleine McGowan's phone number is N/A
See more information about Madeleine McGowan