Global Provider of Education in Finance & Accounting
Get Through Guides (GTG) is a publishing, training and content development company, which produces high quality books/training materials at affordable prices, in the fields of finance, accounting and management.GTG trains professionals across the globe to pass professional certifications. We are Approved Learning Partners for ICAEW and ACCA.GTG writes materials for the Insurance Institute of India, the Indian insurance regulator, IRDA and many other professional institutes around the world. Over 1 million people in India alone are using GTG's textbooks. Our team encompasses a rich blend of experienced professionals, specialist authors and trainers, instructional designers and researchers.Our clients include Corporates, MNC's, BPO's, Institutions and Individuals.Specialties: IFRS, instructional design, lean and six sigma, managing large and small teams, train the trainers, dealing with cultural differences and strategy.SpecialtiesInternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Training & Development, Content Development, Publishing, and ICAEW