We value all that was created—the human body and our planet. We know the importance of what we put in our bodies and on them. We want our homes and all the places we live, work and play to be safe and clean. Out of this was born Pure and Clean, LLCPure & Clean products are available through a number of sources including McKesson, Medline, and www.pureandclean.us. Our Wound Cleanser is making a big impact on chronic wounds. If you know of any chronic wounds that are not healing, start using Pure & Clean immediately. For additional information how to best use our products and achieve desired outcomes, visit our website or message us. Pure & Clean products also make sense for athletes. Successfully managing skin infection issues in sport is a two-pronged approach. Equipment must be disinfected/sanitized. The challenge is maximizing kill potential while minimizing the impact of harsh chemicals. Many solutions have a decent kill potential, but the negative impacts/risks overshadow any positives. Proper hygiene and healthy skin. Skin must be cleaned effectively without damaging the skin and creating a weaker defense against infection. Other products dry, burn, or damage the skin.Learn more about Pure & Clean through our website and be sure to follow up on social media for up to date information.