Our story began with Jayla Elstad, an 11-year-old girl in Denver, CO with a fierce passion for Jesus, soccer, and youth living in developing countries. When a box of soccer gear appeared on her doorstep, she combined these passions into what is known today as TruthFC. It was her vision to use sports as a tool to share hope and love to youth and young adults living in poverty and to provide opportunities for people of all ages to feel empowered to change the world, live a hopeful life, and ultimately find the truth found in Christ.Now we empower young people to become world changers through the giving of sporting equipment. This allows TFC to serve as an equipment provider and partner to long-term missionaries and missions organizations. TFC has collaborated with missionaries in over 15 different countries and sent gear on over 35 trips overseas. Our gear has helped start soccer clubs in Uganda, supply equipment for soccer camps in Paraguay, made youth feel like real athletes in Peru, and much more!We are able to do this because people like you donate used soccer equipment. We then process and prepare the gear for travel. Next, the gear is sent to missions organizations all over the world. The missions organizations share the gear and use it to positively impact and empower their communities. The gear equips the organizations to continue making lasting impact on the lives of those who receive the equipment.