We resolve and validate the Oil & Gas organization's rights to their seismic data. We know how to navigate the contractual landscape of the upstream, exploration organization. Our experience in resolving the contractual lineage of the seismic asset includes the review of Evaluation Agreements, Bid Round Agreements, Exploration Agreements, Farmins, Farmouts, Participation Agreements, Joint Operating Agreements, Master License and Service Agreements, among others.Through meticulous due-diligence and proven research techniques, we clarify complicated entitlement of data assets received from predecessor companies, legacy partnerships, corporate mergers, dissolved companies, and complex, data-merge operations. Our unique expertise extends beyond the U.S. Domestic geophysical asset, it also includes data acquired in challenging, international environments.Our objective concentrates on providing clarity to the organization's rights to the data by delivering the evidence supporting the entitlement claim. To do this, we engage in forensic work that is initially guided by leads found with the data. Our research often extends beyond the organization's own data files and archive to include external industry and non-industry databases. Once all work is complete, the evidence is compiled into a comprehensive report that delivers not only the organization's rights to the data but also highlights any restrictions or obligations that may need additional tracking and monitoring.To ensure the organization is not faced with legacy, entitlement questions in the future, we also provide workflow solutions for managing entitlement of all new data as soon as it is received in the organization. Together, these workflows mitigate the organization's risk to legal exposure and ensure the integrity of the data's entitlement through the life of the seismic asset.